Going from five diabetes shots a day down to one

From this article, Even Short Bursts Of Exercise Can Reverse Heart Problems In People With Type 2 Diabetes, come these quotes:

“In a new study published in Diabetologia, researchers examined the effect of brief, high-intensity workouts on type 2 diabetes patients who had already experienced heart abnormalities due to the disease. They found that these short bursts of exercise had a positive impact on the patients, improving their heart structure and offering some of the best protection for diabetes control.”

"The researchers measured cardiac structure and function with MRIs, and they found that these high-intensity, intermittent workouts greatly improved heart structure and function."

At Austin Personal Training and New Orleans Personal Training for our strength training sessions we use a high intensity intermittent training (HIIT) protocol, and we do sprint training on our aerobic equipment. The best part of these workouts is that they do not take very long, but they are highly effective.  One of our clients, Leif, a former heart surgery patient, went from five shots a day down to one.  See his testimonial in the second part of this short video.