Sticking to an exercise program for the long term

Every January health clubs are crowded for what I call the two week resolution. By the end of the month the crowds are gone. The only thing that remains constant and enduring is the mandatory monthly payment for a gym membership not used.  You go there to lose weight, and the only thing lighter is your wallet.

Seven out of 10 American adults don't exercise regularly despite the proven health benefits, a study released Sunday says - Study: Most Americans don't exercise regularly. That sounds about right. The renewal rate for health club membership is 30 percent. Of those that rejoin a small minority use the club on a regular basis.

Here just one approach for sticking to an exercise program that has worked for me and for those whom I have worked. (1) Select an exercise that produces the most benefits.(2) Commit to something you know you can maintain for the long term. Don’t set the bar too high.  (3) Select a program designed to produce the highest marginal return – the most benefit for minimal time exercising.

Regarding number one, the most benefit: High intensity strength training reverses more of the bio-markers of aging than any other form of exercise.

Regarding number two, not setting the bar too high: consider high intensity training (HIT). HIT requires as little as one 30 minute session a week. The remainder of the week do something physically that you enjoy. Ride your bike. Go for walks.

Regarding number three, for the highest marginal returning for time spent exercising nothing compares HIT for the time spent. There is a long list of benefits

Studies have shown that significant strength increases result from high intensity strength training as little as once or twice a week. Just improve a little each week and over time you will feel years younger. As you become stronger you will find you will be able to engage in more activities, and this will further enhance your health. It all starts with strength. High intensity strength training is the type of personal training we do at New Orleans Fitness Trainers and at Austin Personal Training.